The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 (ruselk5)


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Review: I've read all three Stieg Larsson books and seen the Swedish films. Swedish version of the girl dragon tattoo (Mn som hatar kvinnor) was very good, but it's a bit overrated. Not really bad in any way, but still not as good as some people claim, which is apparently focused feedback on this new version. When word came of the David Fincher would direct the new I was just overwhelmed. Perhaps the reason mine was probably my favorite director is now busy filming one of the best books I've read in years. With thrillers like Se7en and Zodiac to his name, he was the perfect choice. And if someone asks me, he did not disappoint in this one either.The big question for many is that Rooney Mara Noomi Rapace stand as Lisbeth Salander? The answer is, he does! Who is better is hard to say, because they themselves play a very different character. Naomi is older and appears safe and Mara feels more vulnerable and emotionally. I feel Mara is more than what Lisbeth is described in the paper. Because I love this film better, but I feel stronger in his Rapace is also great. The draw. Daniel Craig is great as Blomkvist and his good that even though he is a big star (James Bond) in the role he really down to earth, simple person in a way this character would be. It is and will be Salander, which is the most important, and he gives the Mara to be a star. One of the actor who really beyond his predecessor's Stella Skarsg? Rd. Considering his character is such a big role in this is a big plus for the American version. Christopher Plummer is referred to as one that actually creates the material in the film. Since I now players that I want to mention the relationship between Blomkvist and Salander. Craig and Mara are great to create chemistry. Not only focusing on the mystery, but eventually perhaps even more about them. Are they really speak Swedish accent? Some of them, yes, and I must admit that it felt a little strange at first, but went like most other things in a bit later in the movie, so I do not care anymore. Steven Zaillian deserves credit for the script. The original film, even though it was not much shorter than the plot felt very rushed. Especially towards the end, it was so quick and easy, it felt as though it makes no sense. Zaillian manages to fit without the story quickly and easily. While it lets you keep track of what is going to hold. Did not read the book Very impressive, and you may have just brought this film so high in Swedish. As Fincher said some of the changes, but for me, as opposed to changes in the way some people think, the book is not something sacred and changes should not be wrong. Stieg Larsson novel was not without faults, and they really made changes for the better, it seems more plausible. Fincher is a master of suspense and release it here. The mood and tone settings are appropriate for the full story. The film is cruel, like the book, and also the fact that the treatment of major. No reduction or exaggeration. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross music is great to be expected. Almost as big as the Social Network. I loved the opening credits set the colors of Immigrant Song coverage. Some may feel a bit in the wrong place, but personally I found it. So there are no weak points in it? Well, the last part of the story of the film slows down a bit, but that's because it had new Stieg Larsson, and the parts are also required to continue the series. And although I really like the Millennium trilogy, the story is not complete is not as complicated as would be expected. Some Do not mess with your head like Se7en. If Im rank David Fincher's detective thriller girl dragon tattoo is below Se7en and Zodiac, but that does not mean that it is a weak film, absolutely not! I do not think I can find a lot they could have done better. The Swedish film was good, but this is much better. It lives up to my expectations as a fan of the book. Also works great as a thriller on its own.

Year: 2011
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Director: David Fincher
Starring: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer