Lindsay Lohan Tattoos| Lindsay Lohan Tattoos List

Instead, Lindsay Lohan debuted an interesting new tattoo as she faced the legal system yet again on Wednesday, compelling our curiosities to churn!
But we could only get a glimpse of it when Dina wasn't there to conveniently cover it with her hand (see below)!! As soon as we saw it, we saw a puzzle to be solved! Above the words "what dreams may come" lies a red, double-lined triangle (see close-up below).

Lindsay Lohan Tattoos Meaning

Has our Lady of Perpetual Chaos been digging into something spiritually new these days? Or is she just really diggin' that Robin Williams flick??
While the wording of her new ink also shares a home in the play Hamlet, the triangle remains a total mystery.
But here are some possibilities:
1. In general, the triangle can represent fire and the passionate essence it brings with it. It can also mean "the threefold nature of The Universe such as Heaven - Earth - Man, Father - Mother - Child, the human as Body - Mind - Spirit and the mystical energy of the three — dynamic action." Is she setting course for wholeness?
2. Scientology uses a double-lined triangle to represent knowledge, responsibility, and control, stating "to the degree that a person has all three of these things, that person will have an increased ability to remain at cause over the situation. When one or more of these elements is missing or deficient, a person will have a decreased ability to remain at cause and will tend instead to find him or herself in the position of being the adverse effect of the situation."
3. Lindsay has flirted with Kabbalah before. Does this have something to do with it? In Hebrew, we see triangles and the double triangle of the Star of David. According to philosophy, it represents the "dispensation of ongoing manifestation; the way one dimension pours itself out into the next dimension just like the way a seed pours itself out until it becomes a fruit. This is the sacred process and the sacred path. It is an animation of the "hero's journey" expressed in a sequence of geometric snapshots."
4. For all you hardcore conspiracy theorists out there, the triangle — or more specifically, the pyramid — holds a huge role in the recent "Illuminati" craze. We wouldn't be surprised if conspiracy theorists were trying to find photos of her with one eye covered right now. LOL!

5. She once dated Jared leto and 30 Seconds To Mars is all about dem triangles. Could she still be holding out a reunion?? LOL WE KID!! JK!!
But what do U think it means!?!

Lindsay Lohan Tattoos List







Megan Fox Tattoos| Megan Fox Tattoos List

Megan Fox now has a total of 8 tattoo's. Let's go through the list:
Megan Fox has one on her upper right shoulder which reads "we will all laugh at glided butterflies" it is a Shakespeare quote from King Lear meaning to not get caught up in Hollywood.

Megan Fox Tattoos

Megan Fox has written on her ribcage a poem it says "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart"
Megan Fox has a tattoo of Marylin Monroe on her right forearm.
She has her boyfriend (Now Husband's) Name tattooed on right hip
On her right ankle she has a star and moon symbol.
She has two waves in a circular pattern on her left inside wrist.
The Symbol for Strength on her neck.
She also has on the left side of her lower back tattoo a quote by Angela Monet that Reads "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music."

Megan Fox Tattoos List





Mena Suvari Tattoos| Mena Suvari Tattoos Meaning

Mena Alexandra Suvari was born on February 13, 1979 is an American actress. She is fashion designer and model. Shortly after beginning her career as a model, she appeared in guest roles on such 1990s television shows as Boy Meets World and High Incident. She made her film debut in the drama Nowhere (1997).

Mena Suvari Tattoos Meaning

Her first major film roles were in American Beauty (1999), for which she was nominated for a BAFTA Award, and American Pie (1999). Since then, she has appeared in Loser (2000), with her American Pie co-star, Jason Biggs, and played a main character in the comedy film and she has many more.
She has interesting tattoos on her back A lion and written a quoted "World sound Power". It seems to be looking very inspirational and motivated tattoos. Here we have some pictures of Mena Suvari Tattoos.

 Mena Suvari Tattoos







Mike Tyson Tattoos| Mike Tyson Tattoos List

Well, here's an interesting twist on the lawsuit from Victor Whitmill over the copyright on Mike Tyson's face tattoo. Many people have pointed out that the design appears to be inspired by the Maori, and it appears that Maori tattoo experts think Whitmill doesn't deserve anything at all:Professor Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, author of Mau Moko: The World of Maori Tattoo, described Mr Whitmill's claims of ownership as insufferable arrogance.

Mike Tyson Tattoos

 "It is astounding that a Pakeha tattooist who inscribes an African American's flesh with what he considers to be a Maori design has the gall to claim that design as his intellectual property," she said.
"The tattooist has never consulted with Maori, has never had experience of Maori and originally and obviously stole the design that he put on Tyson.
"The tattooist has an incredible arrogance to assume he has the intellectual right to claim the design form of an indigenous culture that is not his."
That article notes that a local Parliament member said that it was a "bit rich" for Whitmill to be "moaning about the breach of copyright copied off Maori." Seems like bringing in a Maori tattoo expert would make for an interesting witness if this ever actually goes to trial...

Mike Tyson Tattoos List:








Camera Girls Tattoos| Tattoos For Girls

A Dutch photographer has a tattoo on her forearm which makes it look like she's taking a picture whenever she lifts her arm.
And Lotte van den Acker, 24, from Brunssum, didn't have to look far for the camera body art - as her mother Helma van der Weide was the tattooist.
The optical illusion features an authentic image of a vintage 1970s Asahi Pentax 35mm SLR camera.

Camera Girls Tattoos| Tattoos For Girls

Her mother explained: "In the 80s, one of my girlfriends started a photography class and got herself this Pentax camera.
"At that time my daughter Lotte was born, on 11 November 1988, so my friend made very nice pictures of me and my lovely baby with this camera.
"I had the opportunity to buy my friends old Pentax and my daughter started using this camera for the first time, at the age of 10.
"After a while she got more and more interested in photography so she started an education at the Academy of Arts in Rotterdam.
"Of course, she doesn't use this Pentax anymore, we got her a Canon 7D and she makes great pics and films."







Buddha Girl Tattoos| Tattoos For Girls

Buddha Tattoos
When one thinks of a tattoo with Buddha design, one would instantly think of the Buddha image. It is the most popular among Buddha designs, which connotes faith and loyalty to Buddha.
You can also find colorful cartoon versions, or the dancing and laughing Buddha. You can also look for designs depicting a lion, a begging bowl, Buddha footprints, an empty throne, or the Bodhi Tree (a significant symbol where Buddha accomplished enlightenment).

Buddha Girl Tattoos| Tattoos For Girls

The traditional Thai Buddha design represents luck, wealth, and blessings.
Although there are various other Buddha tattoos that can be used for the design, still the Buddha image remains as the first choice. No matter how Buddha is represented in a tattoo design including his mood depictions or the colors of his clothes, those who follow the prince will always look at theaw tattoos as symbols of enlightenment, strength of character, and greatness.
Although Japanese style tattoos are the boldest and best-known of the Asian tattoo practices, the tradition of Buddhist tattooing has been going on quietly for centuries. Now with tattooing becoming more mainstream in Western cultures, and with increased contact with the various Asian countries and expanding knowledge of their histories and cultures, more people are aware of and interested in Buddhist tattooing.Unlike Western tattooing which frequently is pursued either to signal membership to a select group, or to announced rejection of mainstream values, tattooing in the Buddhist tradition comes from a place of spirituality and personal meaning. It has one of the strongest histories of written text within the designs, as many of the applied patterns are in fact prayers and blessings with not as much emphasis put on pictorial images. When a Thai or Chinese Buddhist goes to get a tattoo, it is most often being done as part of that person's spiritual work, with supplication a prime component behind the choice of design and placement of the final tattoo. Tattoo artists who do this sort of work are often Buddhist priests or monks.Most often executed by traditional hand methods, the tattoos are applied using a long, sliding needle that moves up and down inside a metal tube. The finished designs have a pointillist quality to them as all the small dots are left more unconnected than in modern, machine tattooing. Sometimes the tattoo process is accompanied by the making of special offerings to various deities or the recitation of prayers as the tattoo is being inked.Although the prayers and images are guided by Buddhist tenets, the wishes and motivations behind the skin designs remain universal. Themes such as health, luck, strength, success and prosperity are just as popular as they are in the West, just illustrated very differently. Animals from the Buddhist tradition make frequent appearances: tigers, lions, peacocks, snakes and elephants are among the more commonly seen.







Bow Butterflower Girls Tattoos| Tattoos for Girls

The bow butter flower girls  tattoo is becoming a popular feminine inked choice. The design, size, colors and locations are being chosen to reflect a variety of personal meanings, depending on where they are being inked. This style is being creatively designed to reflect the meaning or location on the body. Bows have been used culturally in many ways to visually express a sentiment or meaning or practicality. Bows often have a feminine flavor of representation, perhaps one of the reasons why they are being chosen for inking.

Bow Butterflower Girls Tattoos| Tattoos for Girls

The traditional dictionary explanation is that a bow is formed by using a cloth or string, tied in a way that has curved parts on either side with two loose ends. A classic visual example of this is looking at shoe laces after they have been tied. Women have worn bows in their hair both as a decoration and often in securing or tying their hair.
To the gift giver, often a bow is one way of fancying up the presentation and used as a visual acknowledgment to the receiver, that it is a present. A now common visual symbol of a gift.
Bows have been used to represent as a reminder to not leave the past behind, as in the saying "Forget me knot".
Often yellow ribbons are tied around trees with a big bow, to display a representation that family & friends are waiting and honoring a return of a loved one, from a journey or war.
They are sometimes used to symbolize an accomplishment in life and how it could become untied through circumstances and fragility.
In the clothing fashion industry bows have been used in many different styles from the head to the toe. Some styles incorporate a physical bow and others have used a bow printed material. The classic mens' formal wear is often represented with a bow tie.
Sometimes cartoon characters are represented with a bow placement, to visually represent that the character is female.
Bow ribbons are often worn or displayed. A pink ribbon for example is known to symbolize or represent a fight against breast cancer. It can be a visual expression of supporting family or friends in a overcoming breast cancer. Or sadly represent a loss of a family member or loved one to breast cancer.
Bow tattoos designs from loud to delicate have been used on the body to represent jewelery on toes and fingers.
One popular tattoo that women may consider is the bow tattoo. Bow tattoos portray a bow, sometimes tied, sometimes loose, or perhaps with lace. Bow tattoos are usually worn by women, but some men may choose such a tattoo. The bow tattoo can hold symbolic value to those who wear such a tattoo. In this article, we will discuss bow tattoo designs, bow tattoo meanings, and you will have the opportunity to view a variety of bow tattoo designs. In the end, we hope that you are able to find ideas and inspiration for your next tattoo project.
The bow tattoo offers a woman a variety of different things as a tattoo. Bow tattoos are cute and decorative. In a sense, they are fashionable. Some women choose bow tattoos that they can wear jewelry or clothing with. Since the bow tattoo can be designed in various sizes, it can nearly be placed anywhere on the body. Popular areas for bow tattoos include the arms, wrist, and legs.






Asian Dragon Girls Tattoos| Asian Girls Tattoos| Dragon Tattoos

Dragon tattoos for girls are very popular because of the variability in design and the meaning. In Chinese and Japanese culture alike, dragons are a very popular mythical creature. They represent the four points on a compass as well as the four elements. Represent at times, that renewal and birth cannot come within destruction and death. For the Chinese, dragons are a representation of imperial power. These mythical creatures are the ones responsible for making it rain because their mythological residence was in Heaven. Because of the creatures' ability to shape shift, dragons are integrated into many different Chinese legends.

Asian Dragon Girls Tattoos| Asian Girls Tattoos| Dragon Tattoos

Japanese legends state that the dragon was the ancestor of the Emperor, hence the use as an Imperial symbol. Taoism incorporates the dragon, as displayed in artwork as the protector of Buddha. Other cultures have since integrated the dragon such as Western cultures which associate it with the exact opposite connotation as Chinese and Japanese cultures. The Western cultures turned it into evil creatures, though it was still used to create a sense of fear in enemies during wartime. These tattoos for girls can represent transformation, nobility, magic, loyalty, power, and imagination no matter the origins.
This design for girls are also popular in terms of the zodiac tattoos. Born in 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, or 2000 the zodiac dragon tattoos for girls is a popular design. It is very good to have a child born under the zodiac dragon because of the representations implied such as being full of life, having a foolhardy reputation, being enthusiastic, being intelligent, gifted, as well as perfectionist-making them demanding of others.
The colors and styles associated with these tattoos for girls are endless. Dragons are displayed in a myriad of colors and combinations. Some of these include fire-breathing dragons while some engage a nicer, cartoon display. Some represent stoicism, while others offer a sweeter face to the audience. There are many dragon tattoos for girls which are nothing but black, while others are so intricately designed that they require many colors and hues working their way from the interior scales to the exterior scales as well as working from top to bottom. Dragon tattoos for girls offer a wide array of options for anyone who is interested in tattoos.
A dragon tattoo on a woman usually acknowledges "woman as the creator." Like the dragons of many mythologies, woman's true body form is that of life, the world and the universe. It is this superior form that allows her to be without equal. Dragon body art also represents a flowing, fluid grace that conceals a reserve of power just beneath the cool surface. Studies have shown that women who get dragon tattoos become more self-confident and assertive.





