Tattoo Designs of Children’s Names| Tattoo Designs of Children


Assuming that we are aware of the fact that there is a tattoo in this world for every purpose, getting a tattoo that bears your child’s name is nothing new. Parents get tattoos on their bodies that carry their children’s names. Although this is just a minor manifestation of the tremendous love that parents feel for their children, still it something worth giving a try.
There are many tattoo designs for children’s names available. Some are owned by the tattooists and some belong to parents. However it is all a matter of artistic maneuvers and improvisation that all the time we see new designs sprouting up. In the beginning we may observe that parents like the imprint of tiny hands and feet on their backs. It is up to them if they want to divide the name of the child by writing the first name on the hand and the middle name on the foot or vice versa.

Tattoo Designs of Children’s Names| Tattoo Designs of Children

Some parents like a cupid made on their arm and write the name of their child around it. That cupid goes to portray the innocent nature of that child to whom the tattoo is dedicated. There are parents who wish their child’s name written underneath a cross so as to show a symbol of blessing for the child. Some parents like a red heart and have their baby’s name inside it. Such tattoos are revealing and openly express love and dedication.
Some write the name on the wrist and decorate it how they wish. In cases when parents have more than one child they opt for other ideas. Some mothers like to have a set of gold hearts made as a tattoo and each of their children’s names are carefully carved inside the hearts. If it is a girl, you can have a small girl made and write the name of your daughter. If it’s a boy ten you can try the same making adequate changes to the tattoo.
There is a new tattoo design for children’s names. You may have colorful flip flops made and write the name of every child underneath it. This new design is very cute and interesting. You may have the name of your children on each of the kidneys as well. These exciting tattoos are very nice and parents must try these if they tend to make a show of their love for their progeny. Love finds a way to be expressed, so why not express it the right way!





