Lindsay Lohan Tattoos| Lindsay Lohan Tattoos List

Instead, Lindsay Lohan debuted an interesting new tattoo as she faced the legal system yet again on Wednesday, compelling our curiosities to churn!
But we could only get a glimpse of it when Dina wasn't there to conveniently cover it with her hand (see below)!! As soon as we saw it, we saw a puzzle to be solved! Above the words "what dreams may come" lies a red, double-lined triangle (see close-up below).

Lindsay Lohan Tattoos Meaning

Has our Lady of Perpetual Chaos been digging into something spiritually new these days? Or is she just really diggin' that Robin Williams flick??
While the wording of her new ink also shares a home in the play Hamlet, the triangle remains a total mystery.
But here are some possibilities:
1. In general, the triangle can represent fire and the passionate essence it brings with it. It can also mean "the threefold nature of The Universe such as Heaven - Earth - Man, Father - Mother - Child, the human as Body - Mind - Spirit and the mystical energy of the three — dynamic action." Is she setting course for wholeness?
2. Scientology uses a double-lined triangle to represent knowledge, responsibility, and control, stating "to the degree that a person has all three of these things, that person will have an increased ability to remain at cause over the situation. When one or more of these elements is missing or deficient, a person will have a decreased ability to remain at cause and will tend instead to find him or herself in the position of being the adverse effect of the situation."
3. Lindsay has flirted with Kabbalah before. Does this have something to do with it? In Hebrew, we see triangles and the double triangle of the Star of David. According to philosophy, it represents the "dispensation of ongoing manifestation; the way one dimension pours itself out into the next dimension just like the way a seed pours itself out until it becomes a fruit. This is the sacred process and the sacred path. It is an animation of the "hero's journey" expressed in a sequence of geometric snapshots."
4. For all you hardcore conspiracy theorists out there, the triangle — or more specifically, the pyramid — holds a huge role in the recent "Illuminati" craze. We wouldn't be surprised if conspiracy theorists were trying to find photos of her with one eye covered right now. LOL!

5. She once dated Jared leto and 30 Seconds To Mars is all about dem triangles. Could she still be holding out a reunion?? LOL WE KID!! JK!!
But what do U think it means!?!

Lindsay Lohan Tattoos List





